James Hird’s senior legal advisors – lawyer Steven Amendola and barrister Peter Hanks QC – today announced they would be taking extended leave from legal practice to enjoy a family holiday. “Through this whole legal battle, and with all the work we’ve been doing, Peter and I and our families have become very close”, said Amendola. They have hired the 54m luxury yacht Maridome equipped with ten crew including a Michelin star chef and will be travelling for three months around South American and the Carribean.
When asked to comment, Hanks said “I’m exhausted. We’ve been putting in 120 hour weeks through the case, the injunctions, the appeal, and the second appeal, and we’re really run up our … umm … stress levels. We just figure it’s a well-earned holiday”.Hird, who is paid one million dollars per year as coach of Essendon Football Club, has been relentless in pursuing his case to have the ASADA tribunal ruled illegal. But after having his second appeal firmly rejected last week, this could be the end of this long and troubled journey.
Reading from a prepared statement outside his newly purchased Brighton home, Amendola concluded. “We’d like to thank James for his persistence. As a player, he was resolute and would never back down under any circumstances. He has shown this same tough fight in the court room. We could never have gone this far without him”.
Sources close to the families understand they will be making a short stopover in Boston to visit with New England Patriots staff, who are currently in the market for legal representation after a series of scandals.