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Rich kids Relying On Rich Parents

By Wealth TransitionNovember, 2018March 18th, 20242 min read

According to a Merrill Edge report, one third of “mass affluent” (mid-range wealth) Americans say their financial stability depends on their inheritance. But interestingly, this is more a result of prevailing economic conditions (markets, unemployment, weak wage growth) than the generation being brought up with a silver spoon sense of entitlement.

Economic conditions for creation of wealth have been challenging for the rising generation. There are even signals of a decline in social mobility. The fact that they are looking for family assistance both for key life and investment decisions is an interesting social trend, perhaps reflecting a more sombre and realistic approach, and a decline in appetite for risk.

Consider This: As a “rich parent”, how does this make you feel? While this view has come through in research, is it something that has been discussed in your family? Is it a topic that can easily be discussed?
Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Or is it simply a product of the economic environment, in which case should families acknowledge it and make changes to the way they intend to transition wealth?

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Here is more on reading on wealth transition.

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